Saturday, April 11, 2009

Would you be there when The Roll is called

Are you a church goer,
Do you do mighty things for God
Do you contribute in time and Money to the Work of God
Do you believe that all these would take you to Heaven

No!,No!,No! and No!

None of these assures you of a place in heaven.
but the following Would
1.Accept and acknowlegde your Sins and your sinful Nature
2.Acknowledge the power of God to Save you
3.Acknowledge the provision of God Through the Birth and death of Jesus Christ to Save You'
4.Accept and Acknowlegde Jesus Christ as you Lord And Personal Saviour
5.Confess with you lips that Jesus is Lord and He Died that you might have life
6.Ask Him into your life to be the master and lord of it
7.Share this with others so that they would no Perish